Weekly Update, 25th – 29th September

Better late than never, eh? So what was I up to last week.

Working with colleagues at Jisc on Analytics Labs and DfE Labs. I created an infographic of the types and provenance of the data sources we’ve used for dashboards over the past few years by extracting metadata from the Jisc Data Catalogue via the CKAN API.

Collaborating with the other partners at Cetis LLP on our consultancy offerings we’ll be promoting in the coming year. I’ve mostly been working on our Research Data Management and Student Journey Transformation themes.

Discussing some potential new work with a client, facilitating the development of common data models across 20 or so different business units, and extracting them into common services and APIs.

Fixing bugs in HtmlCleaner and TrunkDB. Nice to be doing some Java again.

Making my own hot sauce using the cayenne peppers I’ve grown in the greenhouse this year.

Watching series 2 of The Expanse (its great!) and Star Trek Discovery (its OK).

In case you don’t know me, I’m a consultant and partner in Cetis LLP, specialising in BI/analytics, open source software, and technology discovery and pre-procurement. Always interested in new clients, so feel free to get in touch.




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